efa system alarm inventory show

Displays the list of alarms supported by XCO.


efa system alarm inventory show [ --name alarm-name | --id alarm-id | --type alarm-category | --resource resource-path | --detail ]


--name alarm-name
Specifies the alarm inventory name. Example: --name CertificateExpiration.
--id alarm-id
Specifies the alarm inventory id. Example: --id 32000.
--type alarm-category
Specifies the alarm inventory type. Example: --type security.
--resource resource-path
Specifies the health resource path string. Example: --resource "/App/System/Security/Certificate".
Displays detailed system alarm information.

Usage Guidelines

This command is available only to users with the admin role.


The following example displays the list of supported alarms in the inventory.

# efa system alarm inventory show [ --detail ] 

|            Name             |  ID   |    Type    |             Resource             | Will Clear |            Severity             |                         Description                          | 
|    CertificateExpiration    | 32000 |  Security  | /App/System/Security/Certificate |    true    |        Warning, Critical        | Notify an application certificate is about to expire or has  | 
|                             |       |            |                                  |            |                                 |                           expired.                           | 
| DeviceCertificateExpiration | 32001 |  Security  | /App/System/Security/Certificate |    true    |        Warning, Critical        |  Notify a managed device certificate is about to expire or   | 
|                             |       |            |                                  |            |                                 |                         has expired.                         | 
|     LoginAuthentication     | 32010 |  Security  |                                  |   false    |             Warning             |     Notify suspicious login activity on the application.     | 
|     StorageUtilization      | 32040 | Processing |       /App/System/Storage        |    true    | Warning, Minor, Major, Critical |   Notify when storage utilization for the application has    | 
|                             |       |            |                                  |            |                                 |           reached a certain threshold or is full            | 

The following example displays an alarm and its configuration in the inventory by the alarm name.

# efa system alarm inventory show --name CertificateExpiration  --detail

The following example displays an alarm and its configuration in the inventory by the alarm id.

# efa system alarm inventory show --id 1 --detail

The following example displays the set of alarms and their configurations in the inventory by the alarm type.

# efa system alarm inventory show --type security --detail

The following example displays the set of alarms and their configurations in the inventory by the associated resource path.

# efa system alarm inventory show --resource /App/System/Security/Certificate --detail